Blogmas 12.20.2018 / 19 Things I Learned in 2019

  1. Change is hard but the days will go on and I will get through it. If you didn't know, I just finished my time at Liberty University. The past 5 weeks I have felt like my world as I knew it was just leaving, and in a way, it was. The last 4 years in Lynchburg, VA have been everything to me. Then as if I didn’t know it was coming, it all ended and I was back in McLean, VA. I’m still a little shocked that there will be a new normal, but I’m ready. A lot of tears were shed in the process, but it happened and now I’m here feeling equipped by God.

  2. Two words. Purple shampoo. If you’re blonde and you’re not using it, it is time, my friend. Fight brassiness ;)

  3. Walmart fashion is on point. Have you been to a Walmart clothing section in a while? No? Well go and thank me later.

  4. Love languages are critical for a thriving relationship. I’m not just talking romantic relationships, I mean your friendships and relationships with family too. So many times we give love in the way that we hope to receive it, but that’s not how we help our people feel cherished. You have to know them and their love language and make a conscious effort to love them in that way (even if it’s your least favorite way to love).

  5. The value in asking your people their “high and low” of the day. I started making a point to do this back in May and I’m pretty sure not a day goes by where Timmy and I don’t ask each other what our high and low is. We always start with our low so that we can finish

  6. Christmas starts on November 1st. Yeah, I said it.

  7. Yes, you deserve and are worth more. If you’re in a relationship where you’re thinking, “Is this what God has for me?” or “This is just how guys (or girls) are… this is the best it will get so I’ll just stay.” I’m here to say, it’s not true. There is someone out there who you don’t have to make excuses for. Someone who will treat you in a way where you don’t have to question.

  8. Flannel sheets in the winter. If you don’t have them, you need them. I just found this out myself. I have these and these.

  9. I’m sensitive and that’s okay. I love and care deeply. My feelings are valid even when I feel like the world is telling me they’re not. It is indeed okay to cry happy and sad tears.

  10. After school or late night McDonald’s with my sister is a time that is important to me. Reese and I are so busy with such separate things these days that picking her up from school and going to McDonald’s for a medium fry refreshes my heart.

  11. Experiences over things. I went to almost 10 concerts this year (which may be a small number for others but it’s large for me) and let’s just say, each concert brings its own memory that I’d rather have than a new outfit from the mall.

  12. Twinkle lights and candles are always a good idea. Need to make a place feel homey? String lights and Bath & Body Works candles are my instant mood booster.

  13. The heart is deceiving. The phrase “follow your heart” scares me. Sometimes your “heart” is telling you to do or say something but God is saying “Don’t! Please, follow me.” Sometimes when I follow my heart I get burned. When I follow God against the wishes of what my flesh wants, I feel secure and it always turns out better than I could've done for myself.

  14. There’s a major difference between a boy and a man. A boy is possessive. A man is protective. A boy bottles up & lashes out. A man has control of his emotions & clearly communicates them. A boy says many words. A boy acts.

  15. Finding friends who make you forget to check your phone are wonderful.

  16. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to be scared. My professor said this to me after class the other day. We were chatting and I said, I’m scared to student teach. I don’t know what to expect. She said, “Molly, nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to be scared. Be expectant of the fact that God will be holding you the entire way.”

  17. People aren’t afraid to share their opinions, and that’s okay. I get to choose how I react to those opinions. It’s all up to me.

  18. Embrace & take advantage of the morning person in me. I love the mornings. Sure, getting out of bed with my feet on the floor can sometimes be a struggle, but once I’m up, I am UP. I could have an entire conversation from the moment I wake up and am ready to get the day rolling. This is a strength of mine that I need to make use of.

  19. Sometimes you have to drop the ball. I remind myself of this idea constantly— In life, we’re all juggling different balls up in the air. These balls are all of life’s responsibilities. Some balls are glass and some are rubber bouncy balls. The glass ones are the balls that you can’t drop; the most important responsibilities. If you drop them, they will break. Then, the bouncy balls CAN be dropped. It is OKAY if they are dropped. They bounce back and we try again the next day. I learned that I have to know the difference between the glass and bouncy balls. Not every ball (responsibility) that I am juggling is glass.