Lash Extensions Q&A


I am so excited to be writing this Q&A style post! I’ve had my lash extensions for 2 months now and I am so excited to share about them. During the summer I had a bad lash extension experience that I’ll share a bit about below, but after a lot of research, I tried again this fall. For you Lynchburg gals, I go to Allison Lawrence of Locks & Lashes. She is a licensed cosmetologist (emphasis on licensed). Anyways, here we go! Here are some up close and personal pics of my lashes—

Before my lashes. Please excuse my leftover eye makeup that didn’t come off in the shower that night— oops

Before my lashes. Please excuse my leftover eye makeup that didn’t come off in the shower that night— oops

This is kind of weird, but my sister took this photo when she was telling me I needed to get my roots done but I thought it gave a good view of the lashes.

This is kind of weird, but my sister took this photo when she was telling me I needed to get my roots done but I thought it gave a good view of the lashes.

What do you ask for?

My lash tech gives me a full set of classics in .18 diameter in lengths 11-13mm with an open eye effect. Do I know what any of that means? Nope, but if you ask your lash girl, she will. ;)

How long do they last?

I go about 2-3 weeks in between fills. I never go past 3 weeks.

What products do you use?

I avoid products with oils as they will loosen the adhesive. I mainly use any Neutrogena oil-free products to get the job done. Be very careful with your serums and avoid the eye area! I feel like this is a no brainer, but never ever put mascara on your lashes. Not only does it clump them together but it breaks down the adhesive. I think this is where I should mention the importance of brushing out your lashes! I keep brushes everywhere— in my car, bathroom, next to my bed, in my purse.

Do you wash them?

I know plenty of girls who don’t wash their lashes, but I do. Honestly, it just feels really good to me and I like knowing they’re clean. If you use the correct products your lashes will be a-ok. I use Stacy Lash wash which was recommended by Allison. Always ask your lash tech.

How much does it cost?

This varies depending on where you live and who you see. DO NOT PAY FOR CHEAP LASHES. Please, I’m begging you. It’s just not worth the damage. I pay $120 for a classic set and $50 for my fills. Also, just a friendly reminder to tip your lash tech ;)

Does it hurt?

Lashes should not hurt. At all. If they do, tell your lash girl and if the pain doesn’t stop, remove them and find someone else to do them for you. I got lashes at a different salon this past summer— it was my first experience with lashes and it was painful. If water would hit them in the shower, it hurt. If I brushed through them, it hurt. Since it was my first time with extensions, I figured it was normal. It is NOT normal for your lashes to be painful. Now that I am going to a different salon, I honestly forget that they’re there. Such a better experience.

How long does it take?

When I first got lashes, a full set took 45 minutes. No wonder they hurt— quality lashes should take about 2 hours for a full set and about 45 min to 1 hour for a fill. Gosh, I’m thankful for my lash gal now.

Will lash extensions ruin my natural lashes?

If your lash tech is applying your lashes correctly and you take good care of them. they will NOT ruin your natural lashes. I do think that a lot of girls get freaked out when they see a natural lash fall out with a lash extension attached because it’s more noticeable. I promise, it’s normal— we lose lashes! But you won’t have bald lash lines post extensions.


  1. I no longer have to rub my eyes every night to remove mascara. That’s the main reason I switched to eyelash extensions— taking my makeup off every night and rubbing at my eyes was sparking my eczema to pop up around my eyes and was causing them to be so irritated. I tried different things to improve it, and they worked, but there’s nothing better than skipping mascara.

  2. You instantly look ready in the morning.

  3. You get a nice nap every 2-3 weeks for fills ha!


  1. They’re expensive. Absolutely an investment that needs to be kept up with

  2. If you DON’T take care of them and do your research when choosing someone to apply them, they can be damaging to your lashes.